If you are deciding to makeover your house then perhaps you need to call a professional line locator. The renovation or addition process of a new or old home can be quite stressful, if not approached correctly, and with an adequate level of caution. If the job begins in an area not properly surveyed, irreparable damage can be done to your property’s water, communication, and electrical lines. This goes for both exterior and interior remodeling. He is a few things to think about when you decide to undergo a home renovation in or outdoors. 

Safety first — Keeping the workers and the customers safe, with a detailed plan, should be the first, and most important, step of any project. Hire a line locator and develop a well-thought-out design plan. Starting new construction in this manner is essential in getting any project off the ground and executed to completion. 

Modern interior design of big living-kitchen studio room, before and after

Budget — Knowing where important lines and obstructions are located will help you greatly during the planning phase and will help you devise an accurate budget for your project during its earliest stages. 

Save money — The cost of hiring a line locator does not outweigh the cost of paying for massive repairs due to what could have been an avoided disaster.

Backyard with swimming pool at night

Outdoor projects — Where digging is most likely going to occur, you will need to know exactly where certain lines are before you start. If you damage a water main or an electrical line the effects could be costly and disastrous, a prime example: Pools are a very invasive and expensive process to undertake. Don’t make this project more costly than it needs to be by ignoring the services of a professional line locator and striking a sewage line during your DIY dig.

Indoor — While working on an interior renovation it is important to be aware of all piping and electrical lines. If the live wires aren’t mapped property fatalities can occur when that wire is cut or damaged.